More songs by Simon And Garfunkel

This file is part of a collection that (moreso than the rest of the site) are not meant to be detailed or accurate transcriptions of the original recordings. They're just some simple chord charts that I made for my own use, some of them my own arrangements.
- T-rev

"AMERICA" by Simon & Garfunkel
From their 1968 album Bookends
Written by Paul Simon
Transcribed by T-rev
Capo 2nd fret

    C     C/B   C/A   C/G   F     %     F4    F

    C         C/B           C/A       C/G        F     F4  F
    Let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together
    C             C/B         Am         %     %     %
    I've got some real estate here in my bag

Em        %                A7        %    Em    %     A7    %
    So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner pies
        D      C      G    /A  /B
    And walked off to look for

     C    C/B   C/A   C/G   F     %     F4    F
    Ame   -   rica

    C        C/B        C/A         C/G        F      F4  F
    Kathy, I said as we boarded the Greyhound in Pittsburgh
    C        C/B          Am          %     %     %
    Michigan seems like a dream to me now
    G          %            %              %
    It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw
    D    G       D         Cmaj7 %     %     %
    I've come to look for Ame    -   rica

Bbmaj7 %               %   %        Cmaj7          %     %     %
       Laughing on the bus, playing games with the faces
    Bbmaj7       %          %         %          Cmaj7 %     %     %
    She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy
    F          %            Fmaj7     %
    I said, be careful, his bowtie is really a
    C     C/B   C/A   C/G   D7/F# %     F     %

    C         C/B        C/A             C/G       F       F4  F
    Toss me a cigarette, I think there's one in my raincoat
    C             C/B         Am    %     %     %
    We smoked the last one an hour ago
Em       %             A7      %  Em    %            A7    %
    So I looked at the scenery,     she read her magazine
            D    C    G  /A  /B
    And the moon rose o - ver an
    C     C/B   C/A   C/G   F     %     F4    F
    O  -   pen field

    C          C/B     C/A           C/G          F       F4  F
    Kathy, I'm lost, I said though I knew she was sleeping
        C         C/B        Am      %    %     %
    I'm empty and aching and I don't know why
    G            %           %          %
    Counting the cars on the New Jersey turnpike
            D   G       D         Cmaj7 %     %     %
    They've all come to look for America
            D   G       D         Cmaj7 %     %     %
            All come to look for America
            D   G       D         Cmaj7 %     %     %
            All come to look for America

    C     C/B   C/A   C/G   Dm    Dm/C  G7/B  G7

Transcribed 2019-08-05 by T-rev
More tab available at

x32010 C
x2x010 C/B
x0x010 C/A
3xx010 C/G
133211 F
1x3311 F4
x02210 Am
022000 Em
x02020 A7
xx0232 D
320003 G
x32000 Cmaj7
x13231 Bbmaj7
133210 Fmaj7
200212 D7/F#
xx0231 Dm
x3x231 Dm7/C
x20031 G7/B
3x0031 G7


"AMERICA" by Simon & Garfunkel
From their 1968 album Bookends
Written by Paul Simon
Transcribed by T-rev
No capo

    D     D/C#  D/B   D/A   G     %     G4    G

    D         D/C#          D/B       D/A        G     G4  G
    Let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together
    D             D/C#        Bm         %     %     %
    I've got some real estate here in my bag

F#m       %                B7        %    F#m   %     B7    %
    So we bought a pack of cigarettes and Mrs. Wagner pies
        E      D      A    /B  /C#
    And walked off to look for

     D    D/C#  D/B   D/A   G     %     G4    G
    Ame   -   rica

    D        D/C#       D/B         D/A        G      G4  G
    Kathy, I said as we boarded the Greyhound in Pittsburgh
    D        D/C#         Bm          %     %     %
    Michigan seems like a dream to me now
    A          %            %              %
    It took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw
    E    A       E         Dmaj7 %     %     %
    I've come to look for Ame    -   rica

Cmaj7  %               %   %        Dmaj7          %     %     %
       Laughing on the bus, playing games with the faces
    Cmaj7        %          %         %          Dmaj7 %     %     %
    She said the man in the gabardine suit was a spy
    G          %            Gmaj7     %
    I said, be careful, his bowtie is really a
    D     D/C#  D/B   D/A   E7/G# %     G     %

    D         D/C#       D/B             D/A       G       G4  G
    Toss me a cigarette, I think there's one in my raincoat
    D             D/C#        Bm    %     %     %
    We smoked the last one an hour ago
F#m      %             B7      %  F#m   %            B7    %
    So I looked at the scenery,     she read her magazine
            E    D    A  /B  /C#
    And the moon rose o - ver an
    D     D/C#  D/B   D/A   G     %     G4    G
    O  -   pen field

    D          D/C#    D/B           D/A          G       G4  G
    Kathy, I'm lost, I said though I knew she was sleeping
        D         D/C#       Bm      %    %     %
    I'm empty and aching and I don't know why
    A            %           %          %
    Counting the cars on the New Jersey turnpike
            E   A       E         Dmaj7 %     %     %
    They've all come to look for America
            E   A       E         Dmaj7 %     %     %
            All come to look for America
            E   A       E         Dmaj7 %     %     %
            All come to look for America

    D     D/C#  D/B   D/A   Em    Em/D  A7/C# A7

Transcribed 2019-08-05 by T-rev
More tab available at

xx0232 D
x4x232 D/C#
x2xx32 D/B
x0x232 D/A
320003 G
320013 G4
x24432 Bm
244222 F#m
x24242 B7
022100 E
x02220 A
xx0222 Dmaj7
x32000 Cmaj7
320002 Gmaj7
420400 E7/G#
xx2000 Em
xx0000 Em7/D
x42020 A7/C#
x02020 A7

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