This file is part of a collection that (moreso than the rest of the site) are not meant to be detailed or accurate transcriptions of the original recordings. They're just some simple chord charts that I made for my own use, some of them my own arrangements.
"BUS STOP" by The Hollies
Single released 1966
Written by Graham Gouldman
Transcribed by T-rev
Intro: Am A2 Am Am7 Am E7sus4/B Em7/B
Am % % %
Bus Stop, wet day, she's there, I say
Am % % %
Please share my umbrella
Am % % %
Bus stops, bus goes, she stays, love grows
Am % % [% G]
Under my umbrella
C G Am %
All that summer we enjoyed it
Dm7/A % Em %
Wind and rain and shine
Am % % %
That umbrella we employed it
Am Em Am %
By August she was mine
C % B % Em G C
Every morning I would see her waiting at the stop
% Am % B % Em % % %
Sometimes she'd shop & she would show me what she'd bought
C % B % Em G C
Other people stared as if we were both quite insane
% Am % B % Em % % %
Someday my name and hers are going to be the same
Am % % %
That's the way the whole thing started
Am % % %
Silly but it's true
Am % % %
Thinking of our sweet romance
Am % % [% G]
Beginning in a queue
C G Am %
Came the sun, the ice was melting
Dm7/A % Em %
No more sheltering now
Am % % %
Nice to think that that umbrella
Am Em Am %
Led me to a vow
Transcribed 2020-02-19 by T-rev
More tab available at
x02210 Am
x02200 A2
x02010 Am7
x20200 E7sus4/B
x20000 Em7/B
320003 G
x32010 C
x00tt8 Dm7/A (t=10th fret)
022000 Em
x24442 B
"BUS STOP" by The Hollies
Single released 1966
Written by Graham Gouldman
Transcribed by T-rev
Transposed from original key of A minor to E minor
Intro: Em E2 Em Em7 Em B7sus4/F# Bm7/F#
Em % % %
Bus Stop, wet day, she's there, I say
Em % % %
Please share my umbrella
Em % % %
Bus stops, bus goes, she stays, love grows
Em % % [% D]
Under my umbrella
G D Em %
All that summer we enjoyed it
Am7/E % Bm %
Wind and rain and shine
Em % % %
That umbrella we employed it
Em Bm Em %
By August she was mine
G % F# % Bm D G
Every morning I would see her waiting at the stop
% Em % F# % Bm % % %
Sometimes she'd shop & she would show me what she'd bought
G % F# % Bm D G
Other people stared as if we were both quite insane
% Em % F# % Bm % % %
Someday my name and hers are going to be the same
Em % % %
That's the way the whole thing started
Em % % %
Silly but it's true
Em % % %
Thinking of our sweet romance
Em % % [% D]
Beginning in a queue
G D Em %
Came the sun, the ice was melting
Am7/E % Bm %
No more sheltering now
Em % % %
Nice to think that that umbrella
Em Bm Em %
Led me to a vow
Transcribed 2020-02-20 by T-rev
More tab available at
022000 Em
024x00 E2
020000 Em7
22220x B7sus4/F#
22020x Bm7/F#
x00232 D
320003 G
00t980 Am7/E (t=10th fret)
x24432 Bm
244322 F#
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