More songs by Goldrich And Heisler
This file is part of a collection that (moreso than the rest of the site) are not meant to be detailed or accurate transcriptions of the original recordings. They're just some simple chord charts that I made for my own use, some of them my own arrangements.
TAYLOR, THE LATTE BOY by Goldrich & Heisler
Recorded by many
Lyrics by Marcy Heisler, Music by Zina Goldrich ©2003
Transcribed by T-rev
Capo 2. Whole-step key change instead of original's half-step.
There's a boy who works at Starbucks who is very inspirational
Am D G D4 D
He is very inspirational because of many things
I come in at 8:11 and he smiles and says "how are you"
Am Am D D#dim7
When he smiles and says "how are you" I could swear my heart grows wings
Em7 G11 G7
So today at 8:11 I decided I should meet him
Cadd2 F7
I decided I should meet him in a proper formal way
Em7 G11 G7
So today at 8:11 as he smiled and said "how are you"
Cadd2 Am7 D D#dim7
I said "fine and my name's Carol" and he softly answered "hey"
Em Em7/D Em6/C# C7 F13
And I told him "my name's Carol and thank you for the extra foam"
Gadd9 D7 Gadd9
And he said his name was Taylor which provides the inspiration for this poem
G B7 C G/B
Taylor, the latte boy
Am G/B C D D#dim7
Bring me java, bring me joy
Em Em7/D Em6/C# A7
Taylor, the latte boy
G/D G4/D G4 G E
I love him, I love him, I love him
So I'd like to get my nerve up and recite my poem musical
Bm E A E4 E
He would like the fact it's musical because he plays guitar
So today at 8:11 Taylor told me he was playing
Bm Bm E Fdim7
In a band down in the Village in the basement of a bar
F#m7 A11 A7
And he smoothly flipped the lever to prepare my double-latte
Dadd2 G7
But for me he made it triple and he didn't think I knew
F#m7 A11 A7
But I saw him flip the lever and for me he made it triple
Dadd2 Bm7 E
And I knew that triple-latte meant that Taylor loved me too
Fdim7 F#m F#7/E F#m6/D# D7 G13
I said "What time are you playing? And thank you for the extra skim"
Aadd9 E7 Aadd9
He said "Keep the $3.55" because this triple latte was on him
A C#7 D A/C#
Taylor, the latte boy
Bm A/C# D E Fdim7
Bring me java, bring me joy
F#m F#7/E F#m6/D#
Taylor, the latte boy
A/E A4/E A4 A
I love him, I love him, I love him
C#4 C# F#m7
I used to be the kind of girl
B4 B E /D
Who'd run when a love rushed toward her
C#4 C# F#m7
'Til finally a voice whispered "Love can be yours
B4 B Bm7 E7
If you step up to the counter and order"
Dmaj7 D6 A/C#
So many years my heart has waited
C# C#7 F#m B7
Who'd have thought that love could be so caffeinated
A C#7 D B7
Taylor, the latte boy
A/E D6 F+ F#m B7
I love him, I love him, I love him
I love him, I love him, I love him
Transcribed 4/20/2020 by T-rev
More tab available at
320003 G
3x2013 C/G
x02210 Am
xx0232 D
xx0233 D4
xx1212 D#dim7
x21202 B7
x32010 C
x20003 G/B
022000 Em
xx0000 Em7/D
x4x000 Em6/C#
x02020 A7
xx0003 G/D
xx0013 G4/D
320013 G4
022100 E
x02220 A
x46464 C#7
x4222x A/C#
x24432 Bm
1201xx Fdim7
244222 F#m
xx2222 F#7/E
xx1222 F#m6/D#
0x2220 A/E
0x2230 A4/E
x02230 A4
xx0222 Dmaj7
xx0202 D6
x4666x C#
143xxx F+
x00232 D/A
022030 Em7
323013 G11
323003 G7
x30010 Cadd2
131211 F7
x02010 Am7
x35353 C7
131231 F13
320203 Gadd9
xx0212 D7
022200 E4
244252 F#m7
x02030 A11
xx0230 Dadd2
x24232 Bm7
323000 G13
x02200 Aadd9
020100 E7
x4667x C#4
x244x0 B4
x2444x B
xx0xxx /D
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