More songs by Rich Mullins

This file is part of a collection that (moreso than the rest of the site) are not meant to be detailed or accurate transcriptions of the original recordings. They're just some simple chord charts that I made for my own use, some of them my own arrangements.
- T-rev

"YOU DID NOT HAVE A HOME" by Rich Mullins
From the 1998 album The Jesus Demos / The Jesus Record
Written by Rich Mullins
Transcribed by T-rev
Rich's demo is on a "Nashville-tuned" high-strung guitar, no capo.
Ragamuffins' studio version standard-tuned, no capo.

Oh You did not have a home
           C                  G
There were places You visited frequently
C                       G
Took off Your shoes and scratched Your feet
          G             D/F#          Em
Cause You knew that the whole world belonged to the meek
        Am             Em
But You did not have a home
       C       D      G
No You did not have a home

And You did not take a wife
           C                G
There were pretty maids all in a row
    C                     G
Who lined up to touch the hem of Your robe
        G      D/F#     Em
But You had no place to take them
       Am             Em
So You did not take a wife
       C       D      G
No You did not take a wife

C  G                C  G
   Birds have nests,   foxes have dens
C                      Em
   But the hope of the whole world rests
          Am                      Em
   On the shoulders of a homeless man
               C              G/B      Am
   You had the shoulders of a homeless man
       C       D      G
   You did not have a home

And you had no stones to throw
    C               G
You came without an ax to grind
    C               G
You did not toe the party line
   G      D/F#       Em
No wonder sight came to the blind
    Am               Em
You had no stones to throw
       C      D         G
No you had no stones to throw

So you rode and ass's foal
     C                          G
They spread out their coats and cut down palms
    C                      G
For you and your donkey to walk upon
        G           D/F#         Em
But the world won't find what it thinks it wants
       Am               Em
On the back of an ass's foal
     Am                   Em
So I guess you had to get sold
          C           G/B           Am     G/B
Cause the world can't stand what it cannot own
       C                        D4  D   D2   D
And it can't own you 'cause You did not have a home

Transcribed 2018-07-30 by T-rev
More tab available at

320003 G
x32010 C
200232 D/F#
022000 Em
x02210 Am
xx0232 D
x20003 G/B
xx0233 D4
xx0230 D2


"YOU DID NOT HAVE A HOME" by Rich Mullins
From the 1998 album The Jesus Demos / The Jesus Record
Written by Rich Mullins
Transcribed by T-rev
Transposed to D.  Capo at 5th fret to maintain original key.

Oh You did not have a home
           G                  D
There were places You visited frequently
G                       D
Took off Your shoes and scratched Your feet
          D             A/C#          Bm
Cause You knew that the whole world belonged to the meek
        Em             Bm
But You did not have a home
       G       A      D
No You did not have a home

And You did not take a wife
           G                D
There were pretty maids all in a row
    G                     D
Who lined up to touch the hem of Your robe
        D      A/C#     Bm
But You had no place to take them
       Em             Bm
So You did not take a wife
       G       A      D
No You did not take a wife

G  D                G  D
   Birds have nests,   foxes have dens
G                      Bm
   But the hope of the whole world rests
          Em                      Bm
   On the shoulders of a homeless man
               G              D/F#     Em
   You had the shoulders of a homeless man
       G       A      D
   You did not have a home

And you had no stones to throw
    G               D
You came without an ax to grind
    G               D
You did not toe the party line
   D      A/C#       Bm
No wonder sight came to the blind
    Em               Bm
You had no stones to throw
       G      A         D
No you had no stones to throw

So you rode and ass's foal
     G                          D
They spread out their coats and cut down palms
    G                      D
For you and your donkey to walk upon
        D           A/C#         Bm
But the world won't find what it thinks it wants
       Em               Bm
On the back of an ass's foal
     Em                   Bm
So I guess you had to get sold
          G           D/F#          Em     D/F#
Cause the world can't stand what it cannot own
       G                        A4  A   A2   A
And it can't own you 'cause You did not have a home

Transcribed 2018-07-29 by T-rev
More tab available at

xx0232 D
320003 G
x4222x A/C#
x24432 Bm
022000 Em
x02220 A
200232 D/F#
x02230 A4
x02200 A2

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